Kiwi Kids Learn About Money In Māori
Kiwi Kids Learn About Money In Māori
28 October 2021
School children can now learn about money in te reo Māori, through the Banqer financial education platform.
Banqer chief executive Kendall Flutey announced this week that the financial literacy platform designed for Years 2-8 has been translated into te reo Māori.
It’s now being piloted in five kura kaupapa, or Maori language immersion schools, across New Zealand.
“By only having Banqer available in te reo Pākeha, the programme was excluding an entire part of our education system,” Flutey says.
“All students should have the right to financial education that works for them.”
Banqer chief executive Kendall Flutey.
Schools approached Banqer
She says kura kaupapa and immersion schools first approached Banqer, asking whether the platform was available in te reo Māori.
Experts are making sure the content considers te ao Māori, which is the Māori world view, and fits into the kura kaupapa education system. Banqer also worked with iwi groups and translators.
Flutey says studies show Māori feel less financially capable than other New Zealand populations.
“Our translators have told us financial literacy conversations aren’t often had in te reo Māori,” she said.
“This commitment to provide quality financial education in te reo Māori, in a way that works for Māori learners, makes me very proud.”
What is Banqer?
Banqer transforms classrooms into a virtual economy.
Teachers set up a currency and run real-life simulations over the course of the year to teach kids growing money, debt, interest, tax, KiwiSaver, and insurance.
Kiwibank is in its third year of partnering with Banqer, and recently said it would continue funding it. Now 3,300 Kiwi classrooms can access the platform for free in 2019, up from 2,100 classrooms in 2018.
First published 11 September, 2018
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