Don’t Pay To Get Your Tax Back!
How to check whether you get a tax refund… without having to pay a tax refund company.
2 November 2021
So, you’re a PAYE earner. Maybe you didn’t work a full year and you suspect the tax department owes you money.
But… you don’t want to ask them if they owe you, in case you discover you owe them instead… right? And everyone knows, if you owe them, you’ll have to pay up.
So, lots of people go to tax refund companies to find out if the IRD owes them, without risk. But if you do, there’s a fee to pay.
So, JUNO asked the IRD helpdesk for some tips on how to get around that awkward situation and find out if you have a refund due.
It turns out to be lot easier than it was when everyone had to fill out a form and post it in.
You can simply log into and register to MyIR to find out if you’re owed money, or (bad luck) if you owe them. To get a log-in, you’ll need your tax number (put it in without the zero at the start).
When you’re logged in, go to ‘Account Information’. Click the tab ‘Money back’? It’ll ask some simple questions, then calculate how much you owe – or, with any luck, how much they owe you (see warning below).
Warning: If you’re sure they owe you, you can ask for a PTS (Personal Tax Summary), and they’ll pay you. BUT if you’re not sure, or if you owe them, don’t request a PTS! If you do, you lock that debt in and the IRD will ask you to pay them instead.
Note that you may have to wait until around May 20 for your final income and tax as at March 31, 2017, to be entered.
Not sure if it’s all there? You can check your income on MyIR, to see if the paperwork covers a full year, and whether your finalised annual income is through yet.
First published 23 August, 2017
By Brenda Ward
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